Monday, February 8, 2010

Were The Ads From The Big Game Funny Or A Flop?

With the Big Game done and gone what are your thoughts? Even if you weren't interested in the teams, many people tune in each year to check out most expensive and most exciting commercials of the year... But this year are they up par with past ads? I can honestly say that this year, none of the commercials are standing out in my minds are being as good as usual. Of course most people are talking about the Snickers and Dorito ads as being the best, and showing disappointment with the Budweiser Clydesdale's, and has the funniness of the talking babies from E-Trade worn off?
Big talk also came with the surprise commercial starring David Letterman, Oprah, and Jay Lenno. When originally planning the spot they hoped that Connan o'brien would join them, but were told that Connan's people weren't in a place were they could make decisions like that yet.

What were your favorites and non=favorites? Personally of all that were shown, I have to say my fav was the Budweiser Clydesdale's with the long horn calf. Let me know what you think.