Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Lose Weight W/out Starving... Part I

We all know that in order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you take in, usually involving a low cal diet with a regular exercise routine. Prevention Magazine gives us a few tips on how to lose weight without devoting hours in the gym of living on lettuce.

1) Fidget: Studies show that doing little things like tapping toes or choosing to stand instead of sit burns 350 more calories a day than those who sit, that equals 37 pounds a year!

2) Keep meals under 400 calories: and space them out evenly throughout the day. Studies show that if you make your meal time consistent that you are less likely to overeat, have better blood pressure and insulin response, and likely to burn more calories after eating... Just remember to make your meal choices healthy choices.

3) Get off of cruise control; Make your daily routine more active. Take the little things you do each day like vacuuming, walking the dog, or making dinner and make them more fun and active... add music, dance around, being goofy can burn those cals!

These are just three of the tips that Prevention has for you... check back tomorrow for more easy tips to lose some pounds.