Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taylor Swift Tries Interior Decorating... With Odd Ideas

Taylor Swift is about to start decorating her Nashville apartment. It is expected that a woman with that much money would spring for expensive and lavish decor, but her ideas come across as just plain odd. In an interview with Rolling Stone she talked of her imaginitive plans, that include a water filled moat surrounding her living rooms fire place with a koi fish swimming inside. While that doesnt sound that far out there, her plans for the rest of the place do. She plans to have guests step on a stepping stone to cross a pond to get to a spiral staircase that leads to a human sized birdcage. She plans to outfit the birdcage with a brass telescope to match her ceiling which will be painted like the night sky. She will have plenty of room to do anything she wants with a penthouse that measures 4062 sq ft.

This sounds like something straight out of a fairytale so I guess it is fitting for Taylor.