Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5 Foods You Wouldn't Think Can Help You Lose Weight, But Do.

Like many of you I packed on a few pounds over the holidays, and made my New Years Resolution to take it off. Which means a painfully boring diet, none of the stuff that I love any more. I have sworn off soda, candy, chocolate, fast food, and the hardest one ever... doughnuts.
With all those things off my list I have been having a hard time trying to find good healthy food to eat until now. According the Mens Health Magazine these following foods are yummy and helpful in your weight loss battle.

1) Full-Fat Cheese; a great source of protein, and doesn't raise your LDL (bad) cholestrol.

2) Pork Chops; has 5 times more selenium (linked to lowing risk of prostate cancer) than beef and twice more then chicken. Also preserves muscle while losing weight.

3) Iced Coffee; reduces appetite, increases metabolism, and gives you a shot of antioxidants.

4) Grapefruit; people who ate 1/2 a fruit 3 times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks. It is thought that the acid in grapefruits slows digestion, keeping you full longer.

5) Milk; Instead of fruit juice grab moo juice for breakfast. Both have the same amount of calories, but milk has more protein which makes you feel fuller longer.