Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6 Things To Avoid At A Job Interview

6 helpful tips from the Business Insider on what not to do at a job interview.

1) Make a great first impression.
*Check the email address on your resume, is it unprofessional? i.e. snugglebunnies@fakeemail.com. Email addresses are free, set one up special for professional use.

2) Don't over-exaggerate on your resume.
*Employers know the difference between "attended staff meetings" and "participated in co-leading team events".

3) Don't pile on the perfume
* A little dab will do ya.

4) Don't be needy
* Be available without being tooooo available.

5) Don't flirt with the interviewer
* No matter how much of a hottie they are, an interview is not the time to tell them.

6) Don't already have one foot in the door.
* Confidence is good arrogance is bad, don't assume you got it until you got it.