Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haitian Cruise Controversy

We have, by now, all heard of the devastation in Haiti due to the earthquake, and now dealing with the thousands that are dead, or just fighting to survive. Which is why I was surprised to hear that Royal Caribbean Cruises have continued their vacation stops on the beaches of Haiti. On Sunday morning the luxury cruise ship docked on the beach of Haiti just miles from the devastation. Guests played on jet skis and were served fruity cocktails. Some passengers were offended that they were brought there, and stated their anger on social networking sites. A spokesperson from Royal Caribbean says they are needed to continue their stops there because of the economic impact they have on the country. The company leases the beach from Haiti, and the guests go shopping at the craft markets, bringing an income to the country. The also say that the cruise ship can be used to bring supplies to the rescue workers.

What do you think? Should Royal continue their stops at Haiti right now?